First, please help push this viral on Facebook by using this link -- you'll be sharing the campaign, along with the photo of Mark Zuckerberg at right:
If you're already on Facebook, click here to share with your friends. |
The Center for Democracy and Technology says, "CISPA has a very broad, almost unlimited definition of the information that can be shared with government agencies and it supersedes all other privacy laws."According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation:
An ISP could even interpret this bill as allowing them to block accounts believed to be infringing, block access to websites like The Pirate Bay believed to carry infringing content, or take other measures provided they claimed it was motivated by cybersecurity concerns.
Internet users were able to push GoDaddy to withdraw its support of SOPA. Now it's time to make sure Facebook knows we're furious.First, please help push this viral on Facebook by using this link -- you'll be sharing the campaign, along with the photo of Mark Zuckerberg at right:
If you're already on Facebook, click here to share with your friends. |
PETITION TO MARK ZUCKERBERG: What is Facebook thinking? You're encouraging Congress to obliterate online privacy -- Even as your users express increasing concern about the privacy of their accounts on your site. Please withdraw your support for CISPA right away.
Please add your name at right to sign our open letter to Facebook.
Here's CDT's resource page on CISPA. Here's the EFF on IP implications.Read More >>
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