TSA Calls Bomb Specialist On Wheelchair Bound 12-Year-Old Girl With Bone Disorder

The TSA continues to keep Americans safe from terrorists, once again thwarting a dangerous threat, this time from a wheelchair bound twelve-year-old girl with a genetic bone disorder.
Video of young Shelbi Walser crying her eyes out was shot by her mother, Tammy Daniels, earlier this week as she was detained for over an hour by TSA agents at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

The girl, who suffers from brittle bone disease, and is confined to a wheelchair, was “randomly” selected for an explosives test while traveling to Florida for specialist medical treatment.
“I was just scared, because I didn’t know what they were going to do,” Walser told KHOU News 8.
A screener swabbed the girl’s hands and was no doubt delighted that she tested positive for “explosive material”.
“It could have come off fertilizer, because we have chickens. I could have run through something from them,” little Shelbi bravely told reporters. “It could have just come off the ground, because I roll through everything.”
The screeners then called for bomb specialists to come to the terminal to assess the situation.
Ms Daniels said that she was physically restrained by TSA agents and not allowed to comfort her daughter during the ordeal.
“I am by no means undermining our safety in the air. After 9/11, by no means am I doing that,” Daniels added. “But when it comes to children, common sense is not in a textbook.”
To top it all off, the TSA failed to check the wheelchair, which was most likely the source of the material that found its way onto the girl’s hands.
One positive note from the incident was reportedly in the reaction of onlooking travelers who took issue with the TSA’s actions.
“There were people saying, ‘Really? You’re going to do this to her? Y’all have to take her somewhere private where she’s not out in the public and everyone can see her,’” Shelbi said.
Eventually mother and daughter were told they were free to go, without being offered an explanation by TSA screeners.
In a statement regarding the incident, the TSA wrote:
“We are sensitive to the concerns of passengers who were not satisfied with their screening experience and we invite those individuals to provide feedback to TSA through a variety of channels.”
“We work to balance those concerns with the very real threat that our adversaries will attempt to use explosives to carry out attacks on planes.”
Whether they are touching up toddlers in wheelchairshumiliating cancer victims, or removing diapers from sick grannies rest assured that the TSA is keeping you safe America. Keeping you safe from the dangerous terrorists that hate your freedoms



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